The Hidden Generosity Of A Girl Bar And Why You Are Doing Your Bit For Charity!

Many will know of Kim’s Tavern girl bar, which is pretty much the goto girl bar if you are visiting Ho Chi Minh and for ex-pats who live here looking to enjoy the best girl bar experience on a night out. Having opened and served esteemed gentlemen for over 11 years (unheard of for a girl bar in Vietnam).

Kims Tavern Girl Bar Saigon New Years Eve 73

Then we have the new kid on the block, Bar 22, which is very cool and modern with awesome bar games and has already achieved 70+ 5-star reviews in its first nine months.

But anyways, I can hear you asking where is this ‘story’ going. Well, I just wanted to let you guys know that not only have you been having a fabulous night whilst at Kim’s Tavern or Bar 22, or the fact you had be spent time with some of the most beautiful girls you will have the opportunity to do so, but you were also being charitable…that goes for you cheap Charlies too!! hehe ;0p

Most probably do not know how giving Kim, Huyen & Lulu, who, between them, have ownership in parts between the two bars is done indirectly with your support, so this is a thank you to everyone who came and spent their hard-earned money and time with us during 2022!!

Let’s look at the awesome charity projects that you contributed to but might not have known about!

Charity Project #1

The Team Goes To A Local Town Before Tet to help the 100 most impoverished families have something nice to eat over the tet new year!

99% of us reading this will have probably never experienced true poverty, not knowing when your next meal is, the stress that each day is focussed solely on how to survive until the next day. Kim and the Bars got in touch with the local authorities to ask them to provide a list of the 100 most impoverished families and tell them they are invited to attend. Kim and the team had put together food parcels that consisted of:

  • 10 kilograms rice
  • 2 Boxes of Eggs
  • Cooking Oil
  • Soy Sauce
  • Seasoning
  • Jar of Instant Coffee
  • Delicious Cake
  • Lucky Lottery Ticket

In the end, we served 108 families as 8 families had heard about the charity and traveled over 50km hoping there was some spare for them, which we could not turn away. The joy and relief on the families we support were priceless, tears of joy and happiness were shared and this in part thanks to you guys for supporting our bars!

Here are a few photos of the day:

Charity Project #2

The team goes to 3 large hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City to feed the hungry!

Those that live or have lived here in Vietnam will know what it is like outside hospitals, with lots of family members waiting and, in some cases, camped so they can be near to other loved ones who are being treated inside the hospital.

Some of these people have come from rural parts of Vietnam with no money, nowhere to sleep, no money for food, or a place to sleep. They make themselves temporarily homeless just so they can be near their loved ones. So we wanted to make sure at least on the day we attended they had a hearty meal and a full stomach!

We created 500 food parcels and rented a truck to drive us to 3 of the largest hospitals known for cancer treatment & maternity. The ingredients for the food parcels contained

  • 40kg of Rice
  • 43kg of Pork
  • 80kg of Vegetables
  • 520 Duck Eggs

Here are some of the photos and videos from the day!

Working in a girl bar is long hours from 4pm to 4am but the girls pulled an ‘all nighter’ to prepare the food and then to deliver the food in the mid day sun!

Much love to the Girls at Kim’s Tavern Bar and also to all the guys who have shared a pint or two with us through 2022 to help make this happen!

Here’s to more drinking and more charity in 2023!


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